My Portfolio: Year In Review 2016

01 January 2017
By Maynard Paton

Happy New Year!

I trust you enjoyed the festive break and are now raring to do battle with the market for another twelve months!

This first Blog post of 2017 provides a ‘year-in-review’ of my current portfolio holdings. I recap how each of the underlying businesses performed during 2016, as well as provide a few remarks about valuation.

As I mentioned this time last year, I find writing such reviews extremely useful — not least because it encourages me to double-check my investment logic to ensure I am still invested for all the right reasons!

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Electronic Data Processing: 8 Months On And I’m Still Waiting For A Buyer

20 December 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Electronic Data Processing (EDP).

Event: Preliminary results for the twelve months to 30 September 2016 published 20 December 2016

Summary: What a letdown! I had hoped EDP could announce the conclusion of its strategic review within these results, but no such luck I’m afraid. Instead, shareholders have been left in the dark about possible corporate action as the underlying business puts in another dismal revenue performance. The irony is this company actually develops software for others to improve sales! I can only hope 2017 will see a generous buyer emerge and I can then move on. I continue to hold.

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Daejan: NAV Reaches New £96 Per Share High Despite Brexit

23 November 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Daejan (DJAN).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2016 published 23 November 2016

Summary: These results were better than I had anticipated. Boosted in part by the weaker GBP, the commercial property group declared 6% greater rental income alongside a new all-time high for net asset value. There may be a little question mark with cash generation, but debt is still relatively low while DJAN’s seasoned management should be able to cope with any ongoing sector uncertainty. The shares trade at 59% of net asset value and I continue to hold. 

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Record: High Margin, High Yield… And High Time New Clients Were Found

21 November 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Record (REC).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2016 published 18 November 2016

Summary: If nothing else, REC’s results are consistent — once again this specialist currency manager revealed stagnant financial progress, a lack of new business and a dependence on a handful of major clients. Nevertheless, the group sports high margins and cash-flush accounts,  while the P/E could be as low as 7 thanks to the weaker GBP. Talk of potential special dividends unfortunately remains talk for now, but at least the ordinary payout yields 5.2%. I continue to hold.

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Castings: £23m Cash Hoard Can’t Disguise Worst H1 Results For 6 Years

11 November 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Castings (CGS).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2016 published 11 November 2016

Summary: Earlier statements had already signalled lower earnings for 2016/17, and these results were in fact CGS’s worst first-half figures for six years. The engineer still reckons lost work can be replaced, but the immediate outlook remains stagnant at best. The upcoming retirement of the chief executive brings some further uncertainty, too. Still, I don’t think good companies become bad companies overnight and the group’s long track record suggests a recovery will one day arrive. I continue to hold.

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World Careers Network: Brexit Boost Could Support Cash-Adjusted P/E Of Just 5

09 November 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on World Careers Network (WOR).

Event: Preliminary results for the year to 31 July 2016 published 08 November 2016

Summary: These figures were better than I had expected, not least because WOR enjoyed the benefits of the weaker post-Brexit pound. However, the software developer did warn that costs would continue to rise — which in turn would keep a lid on earnings for the “foreseeable future”. At least revenue is marching higher while the weaker pound ought to help the group’s progress in the States. The accounts remain simple and flush with cash, and you could argue the underlying P/E is just 5. I continue to hold.

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Getech: H2 Profit Reported But I Am Not Entirely Convinced

08 November 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Getech (GTC).

Event: Final results for the year to 31 July 2016 published 08 November 2016

Summary: A lot happened at GTC before these results and I am no longer as keen on the group as I once was. That said, the figures from this specialist data supplier to the oil and gas industry were not truly awful — a profitable second half gives hope that one day the business will recover. The asset-rich balance sheet also lends support. But a new boss and various acquisitions just don’t make me entirely comfortable. I continue to hold.

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French Connection: I Have Finally Given Up On This Turnaround

20 September 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on French Connection (FCCN).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 31 July 2016 published 20 September 2016

Summary: It’s taken me five years to realise that I have wasted my time with FCCN’s purported turnaround. The fashion chain’s latest results were very mixed, and I feel cash may now become tight if there is more bad news. I have belatedly concluded the problem Retail division could well lose money for some years ahead, while an activist investor may not be doing enough to instigate the necessary board changes. I have sold my entire holding.

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Tasty: I Felt Uneasy Ahead Of These Results And Sold Some Shares

06 September 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Tasty (TAST).

Event: Interim results for the 27 weeks to 03 July 2016 published 06 September 2016

Summary: These results were very mixed. I am pleased the restaurant chain’s revenue growth has improved following the ‘blip’ in the second half of last year, but disappointed the roll-out plan has slowed a little. Margins have also shrunk due to greater expansion costs. Mind you, the board here remains a class act while the longer-term potential is still considerable. I sold some shares before these results and I continue to hold the rest.

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Daejan: Property Estate Tops £2bn While Shares Trade At 53% Of NAV

06 July 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Daejan (DJAN).

Event: Preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2016 published 06 July 2016

Summary: I have no complaints about these figures. Rental income and operating profit advanced significantly to new all-time highs, while further valuation gains helped the property group’s balance sheet reach a record £91 per share. Debt remains relatively low and I’m trusting DJAN’s veteran management will be able to take full advantage of any ructions in the post-Brexit property market. The shares trade at 53% of net asset value and I continue to hold. 

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Record: Cash-Adjusted P/E Of 8 Plus Talk Of Special Dividends

23 June 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Record (REC).

Event: Final results for the twelve months to 31 March 2016 published 17 June 2016

Summary: These far-from-spectacular figures were no surprise. Indeed, both revenue and profit have stagnated for five years now and there was no real suggestion that improvements will occur anytime soon. What’s more, a new regulatory risk was disclosed that may hinder progress :-( Nevertheless, this specialist currency manager did talk of future special dividends, while the high-margin, cash-rich nature of the business remains attractive. I reckon the underlying P/E is 8 and the yield is 6%-plus, and I continue to hold. 

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Castings: Satisfactory Results Blessed With 30p Per Share Special Dividend

15 June 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Castings (CGS).

Event: Annual results for the twelve months to 31 March 2016 published 15 June 2016

Summary: A quite satisfactory set of results from the country’s largest foundry operator. Revenue, profit, the dividend and net cash all headed in the right direction, while a shareholder bonus was news of a 30p per share special payout. However, counter-balancing the 2016 figures was the admission of less work at the higher-margin machining division, which will hurt 2017 progress. Still, the shares do not appear expensive and I continue to hold.

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Electronic Data Processing: I Will Happily Swap This 6%-Plus Yield For A Generous Trade Buyer

06 June 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Electronic Data Processing (EDP).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 31 March 2016 published 02 June 2016

Summary: This was another lacklustre update from the software micro-cap. It was disappointing in particular to see revenue continuing to stagnate and — despite various cost-cutting measures of the past — operating profit dropping lower. Thankfully EDP has put itself up for sale and I am very hopeful a generous trade buyer can be found to conclude what has been a somewhat frustrating investment. In the meantime, there is the prospect of a 6%-plus yield to collect. I continue to hold.

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Daejan: This 282-Fold NAV Gain Could Be Just The Beginning

13 May 2016
By Maynard Paton

Today I’m reviewing one of my recent share investments.

The company in question is Daejan (DJAN), which you may recall I added to my watch list last year.

After monitoring the group’s subsequent progress, I decided to buy at an average price of £58 (including all costs) between November 2015 and March 2016. The share price now is £57 and the holding currently represents about 5% of my portfolio.

I have to confess, this new position is not terribly exciting. DJAN is a low-profile business that owns a variety of commercial and residential buildings located mainly in London and the eastern United States.

Nonetheless, I do feel this £929m firm offers many traits of a respectable investment.

Important attractions for me include an impressive record of dividend and net asset growth, a conservatively financed balance sheet, a boardroom staffed by veteran family management, and a modest share-price valuation.

However, I recognise DJAN is by no means a one-way bet.

An obvious danger here is a dependence on what could be a toppy property market. Another potential drawback is that the shares have always appeared ‘cheap’ — due mostly to the directors’ 80% family shareholding and their reticence towards outside investors.

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World Careers Network: Better-Than-Expected Results Give Cash-Adjusted P/E Of Less Than 7

27 April 2016
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on World Careers Network (WOR).

Event: Interim results for the six months to 31 January 2016 published 26 April

Summary: These figures were not as bad as I had feared, given WOR’s previous results had confessed to higher costs and lower profit. The outcome for the current year looks set to be better than I had anticipated, too. Notably, revenue moved higher despite one of the software group’s largest customers significantly reducing its payments. Meanwhile, the accounts remain cash-rich and the underlying P/E is less than 7. I continue to hold.

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