Daejan: £120 Per Share NAV Is More Than Double The £55 Share Price As H1 Update Reveals £46m US Property Devaluation

31 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Daejan (DJAN):

  • The statement revealed fresh first-half records for revenue, up 12%, underlying operating profit, up 7%, and net asset value, up 4%.
  • New rent laws in New York led to a £46m devaluation and put DJAN on course to register its first annual valuation loss since 2009.
  • A 6% strengthening of the USD counterbalanced the New York devaluation and helped support net asset value.
  • The accounts remain conservatively financed, with capital expenditure reduced significantly following earlier cautious remarks from management.
  • The share price represents only 46% of net asset value — despite net asset value advancing 75% during the last five years. I continue to hold.

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Mountview Estates: H1 Figures Show NAV Inching 4% Higher To £96 Per Share After Management Suffered Significant AGM Protest Votes For The Third Consecutive Year

28 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Mountview Estates (MTVW):

  • Brexit “uncertainties” led to a dull performance, with revenue falling 1%, underlying operating profit improving 1% and an unchanged dividend.
  • An improved gross margin and the disposal of four investment properties for prices well above book were encouraging.
  • Debt represents a modest 10% of the group’s property estate — which continues to be accounted for at cost.
  • This year’s AGM witnessed further protest votes against the independent non-executives, the board’s pay and the auditors.
  • MTVW’s book value increased by 4% to £96 per share, although the balance sheet could inherently be worth £200-plus per share. I continue to hold.

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Oleeo: Bombshell Tender Offer And Delisting Proposal Forces My Exit At A 30% Loss

23 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Oleeo (OLEE):

  • A bombshell tender offer and delisting proposal overshadowed details of the 2019 results.
  • I have tendered my full holding and recorded a 30% loss after owning the shares for four years.
  • The tender offer was not exactly generous, given OLEE’s net cash represented 93% of the tender valuation.
  • A delisting was always a risk when the executive chairman (and related parties) owned 84% of the business.
  • Full-year revenue climbed 7% to reach a new high, although the significant development expenditure seen since 2015 is set to depress profit for at least another year. 

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[SharePad] Screening For My Next Long-Term Winner: Mears

***SharePad New Subscriber Special Offer***
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20 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

This SharePad article did not turn out as I had expected.

I had thought I would be evaluating a business with glorious financials and tip-top management.

I ended up studying accounting alarm bells and a dissident shareholder trying to oust the boardroom.

The SharePad screen I used looked for companies that offered:

1) A 20-year (or more) record of dividend increases, and;
2) Forecast dividend growth for the current year.

I selected Mears, a £269 million provider of housing-maintenance and social-care services, due to its forecast 5.3% yield.

Read my full Mears article for SharePad.

Maynard Paton

System1: As H1 Figures Show Just 4% Top-Line Growth And AdRatings Burning £2m A Year, Could ITV’s Euro 2020 Competition Validate A Potential Recovery?

20 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for System1 (SYS1):

  • Another unremarkable performance, with underlying gross profit up 4% and profit (without AdRatings) rebounding 24% due mostly to improved cost control.  
  • The start-up AdRatings service continues to lose £2m a year and is increasingly dictating the company’s progress, potential and valuation.
  • An ITV competition to determine the most “emotionally engaging” advert during Euro 2020 could create extra recognition for System1-type marketing and SYS1’s services. 
  • The accounts remain cash rich and the business (without AdRatings) exhibited a healthy 21% margin.
  • The P/E could be anywhere between 8 and 26 depending on how AdRatings, share-based payments and the cash position are viewed. I continue to hold.

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Bioventix: Satisfactory 2019 Results Reveal (Yet Another) Special Dividend And Indicate Growth During 2020-2025 Depends Entirely On Troponin

17 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Bioventix (BVXP):

  • Satisfactory double-digit growth spearheaded by notable demand for the group’s main antibody.
  • Progress beyond 2020 now appears dependent entirely on the new troponin product, revenue from which remains low.
  • An unsettling tweak to management’s outlook suggests the pipeline antibodies may require a further five years of development.
  • The accounts remain in excellent shape with terrific margins, appealing equity returns and minimal reinvestment requirements that have prompted yet another special dividend. 
  • The valuation remains rich with an underlying P/E of 28. I continue to hold.

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Tristel: Record Annual Figures (Once Again) And Impressive Three-Year Targets Support An Understandable 30x P/E

12 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Tristel (TSTL):

  • Record annual figures for the sixth consecutive year, supported by satisfactory progress both within the UK and abroad.
  • The underlying performance was complicated by Brexit stock-piling, an acquisition, US regulatory costs and option expenses. 
  • The publication of new three-year financial targets was impressive, and suggested the company could grow organically at 10-15% per annum. 
  • The accounts are still healthy with high margins, net cash and respectable cash generation. 
  • The valuation remains understandably rich with an estimated underlying P/E of 30. I continue to hold.

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[SharePad] Screening For My Next Long-Term Winner: Webinar

***SharePad New Subscriber Special Offer***
Readers of my blog can claim one month of free data. Click here for details.

07 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

I recently hosted a SharePad webinar, during which I demonstrated three screens used in my SharePad articles and evaluated three companies using various SharePad features.

The filters I used were taken from my SharePad articles on Renishaw, Rightmove and Medica, and the companies I evaluated were XP Power (01:00), Headlam (15:30) and Sopheon (29:00). 

I finished the SharePad webinar with a Q&A session (45:00). 

Just click the image below to watch a recording of the webinar.

sharepad maynard paton webinar screening for my next long-term winner
(Click the image to watch via Youtube)

You can import the financial charts I used during the webinar into your SharePad setup by following these instructions from my UNOFFICIAL SharePad guide for new subscribers.

Maynard Paton

Andrews Sykes: Milder Winter Leaves H1 Profit Down 25% Although Margins Remain High, Cash Exceeds Debt And Current Trading Signals A Better H2

02 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Andrews Sykes (ASY):

  • Revenue dropped 8% and operating profit dived 25% following lower demand for ASY’s heaters and boilers.
  • European operations continue to represent almost a quarter of the business, with new depots opened recently in France.
  • Accounts now affected by IFRS 16, although the fundamental attractions of decent margins (19%) and net cash (£20m) remain in place. 
  • Outlook comments appeared encouraging, with the company blog suggesting busy demand for pumps to combat flooding.
  • The underlying P/E could be 16 and the yield is 3.9%. I continue to hold.

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Getech: H1 Results Reiterating ‘Lumpy’ Revenue, Fragile Accounts And Other Drawbacks Prompt My Exit At A 47% Loss

02 December 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Getech (GTC):

  • Revenue fell 15% to its lowest first-half level since 2010. At least the H1 operating loss did not increase from H1 2018.
  • GTC continues to be dependent on oil and gas operators purchasing its “market leading” data — the income from which remains “lumpy”. 
  • The level of recurring revenue implies a lot of work is needed before GTC can sustain positive earnings.  
  • The accounts are still rather fragile, with cash flow shored up by tax credits and capitalised development costs becoming more significant.  
  • Delays to both a Sierra Leone project and a property sale have not helped support the £9m market cap. I have sold out entirely.

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[SharePad] Screening For My Next Long-Term Winner: Dotdigital

***SharePad New Subscriber Special Offer***
Readers of my blog can claim one month of free data. Click here for details.

20 November 2019
By Maynard Paton

Today I have revisited a share screen that applies two ratios favoured by ‘quality’ investors — operating margin and return on equity (ROE).

The exact criteria I re-used were:

1) An operating margin (latest and 10-year average) of 20% or more, and; 
2) An ROE (latest and 10-year average) of 20% or more.

This time I have pinpointed Dotdigital, a £265 million software business that is blessed with a 30% operating margin and a 30% ROE.

Read my full Dotdigital article for SharePad.

Maynard Paton

S & U: Record H1 Figures Show Profit Up Only 3%, Although Welcome News On Bad Debts Now Signals A ‘Resumption’ Of Growth

19 November 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for S & U (SUS):

  • Record first-half figures that showed revenue up 7%, operating profit up 3% and the dividend up 6%.
  • Bad debts within the Advantage car-loan division have started to subside following 18 months of sharp increases.
  • Management remains upbeat as loan applications continue to flood in, and has appointed an industry ‘heavyweight’ as the new Advantage MD.
  • Progress at Aspen Bridging was “slightly short of expectations” but the division’s long-term potential could be considerable. 
  • Possible P/E of 11 and yield of 5.8% do not appear expensive if indeed the business can enjoy “a resumption of [its] usual rates of growth”. I continue to hold.

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Tasty: Woeful H1 Results Leave Shareholders Relying On Bumper Christmas Bookings To Avert Terminal Cash Trauma

07 November 2019
By Maynard Paton

Results summary for Tasty (TAST):

  • Woeful figures showed weaker revenue and greater losses — with the excuses this time including Brexit rather than unfavourable weather and the World Cup.
  • A £3m equity placing has shored up the balance sheet, while an absence of further write-offs and utilised provisions lends support to turnaround hopes. 
  • This year’s Christmas performance is crucial, with TAST going all out to capture festive-party bookings. Management’s outlook remarks seemed encouraging.
  • Poor Christmas trade causing further cash flow traumas could leave TAST no option but to de-list.  
  • The market cap is £4.1m for sales of £45m from 57 restaurants. I continue to bravely/stupidly hold.

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[Event] Could You Do Me This Quick Favour?

28 October 2019
By Maynard Paton

Could you do me this quick favour?

I am taking part in a charity ‘kickathon’ this weekend (2nd and 3rd November), raising money for three good causes.

If you have ever enjoyed my free blog, then now is your chance to show your appreciation and make a donation :-)

This link gives full details of the event. Essentially a group of us martial-arts students are aiming to perform 200,000 kicks over two days. I will be happy with 10,000 kicks and the ability to walk afterwards!

All contributions will be gratefully received. Simply click on this link to donate.

Many thanks.

Maynard Paton

[SharePad] Screening For My Next Long-Term Winner: Rightmove

***SharePad New Subscriber Special Offer***
Readers of my blog can claim one month of free data. Click here for details.

25 October 2019
By Maynard Paton

Studying free cash conversion is vital when evaluating a set of accounts.

The measure compares free cash flow to reported earnings, and can indicate whether a business is a ‘cash fountain’ or a ‘cash guzzler’.

Ideally we want to own companies that generate plenty of spare cash, because such cash can:

  • Underpin accounting profits;
  • Indicate an attractive business, and;
  • Fund welcome dividends.

By employing SharePad, I identified Rightmove as an elite cash producer.

Read my full Rightmove article for SharePad.

Maynard Paton