Q2 2024: ‘When It’s Drizzling Gold, Reach For A Bowl’

30 June 2024
By Maynard Paton

Happy Sunday! I trust the first half of 2024 has been positive for your shares.

A summary of my portfolio’s progress:

  • Q2 return: +10.8%*
  • Q2 trades: 3 top-ups (City of London Investment, Mountview Estates and S & U).
  • YTD return: +20.0%*
  • YTD winners/losers: 5 winners vs. 5 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

This year has witnessed my best-ever H1 since I commenced this blog at the beginning of 2015. As I predicted within my 2023 review, System1 has dominated my returns and what was a large weighting has become even larger. April’s positive statement from the advert-testing specialist helped push my portfolio to new a record high.

My portfolio’s Q2 newsflow has also included some intriguing boardroom changes. 

In particular, the odd management set-up at FW Thorpe has taken another twist: out go the roles of joint chief executives and in comes the combined role of chief executive and finance director! I hope to attend Thorpe’s AGM later this year to understand how this appointment was decided. 

Elsewhere, Tristel has recruited its forthcoming new chief executive who, on paper at least, seems as if he could make a real go of the group’s United States potential. The outgoing chief exec is married to the current finance director, which I suspect/hope means a new finance director will be hired in due course.

Finally, M Winkworth has recruited two non-execs from corporate-finance consultancies with M&A knowledge. Could the estate-agent franchisor be soon erecting its own ‘for sale’ sign? Sector rivals Property Franchise and Belvoir recently merged and maybe Winkworth now feels susceptible to a bid.

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Q1 2024: My Portfolio’s Best And Worst Corporate Cash Managers

03 April 2024
By Maynard Paton

Happy Wednesday! I trust your shares have enjoyed a positive start to 2024. 

A summary of my portfolio’s first quarter:

  • Q1 return: +8.2%* (FTSE 100: +4.0%**).
  • Q1 trades: None.
  • Q1 winners/losers: 4 winners vs 6 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, account fees, paid dividends and cash interest **Total return)

The year has started with my best Q1 since I commenced this blog at the beginning of 2015.

As I predicted within my 2023 review, System1 has dictated proceedings and an upbeat statement from the advert-testing specialist has caused its large weighting to become even larger. My portfolio now requires only a further 5% advance to match its all-time high of December 2021. 

Other RNSs from my portfolio were somewhat mixed. Bioventix and Tristel both issued record H1 figures and provided useful increases to their dividends. But S & U warned of lower collections and cut its interim payout, which feels unnerving. I can’t recall the last time a holding of mine reduced its dividend for non-pandemic reasons.  

The rest of my shares seem to be marooned, with the stock market generally circumspect about their prospects given their flat-at-best earnings. Small market caps and limited liquidity due to significant director (and ex-director) holdings have not helped matters.

But I remain convinced the owner-orientated managers — backed by respectable competitive positions and asset-rich balance sheets — will eventually reward shareholders for their patience.

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Q4 2023: Up 15.3% For 2023

02 January 2024
By Maynard Paton

Happy 2024! I hope your shares prospered last year and you continue to find my blog useful.

A summary of my portfolio’s 2023:

  • Total return of +15.3% (Q4: +5.4%)*;
  • Individual returns ranged from up 115% for System1 to down 50% for Tasty;
  • One share was topped-up: City of London Investment;
  • One share was sold: Tasty, and;
  • No new shares were purchased and no shares were top-sliced.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

I publish a portfolio review after every quarter (Q1, Q2 and Q3), and this post recaps my October/November/December activity as well as my 2023 performance.

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My Portfolio: Year In Review 2023

02 January 2024
By Maynard Paton

Happy New Year!

I trust you enjoyed the festive break and are now ready to battle the market for another twelve months!

This 4,833-word post provides a ‘year in review’ of my current holdings. I recap how each business performed during 2023 as well as provide a few remarks about valuation. 

These reviews are very useful to write, not least because they help ensure I am still invested for the right reasons. Any upsets I will suffer during 2024 will most likely be caused by the shares I already own rather than any new shares I will buy.

I undertook the same annual review at the start of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

My portfolio gained 15.3% during 2023. This other post explains that performance in more detail and clarifies how my portfolio begins 2024.

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Q3 2023: Enjoying 100% Returns From Ordinary Dividends

08 October 2023
By Maynard Paton

Happy Sunday! I trust your shares are coping well during this lacklustre market.

A summary of my portfolio’s progress:

  • Q3 return: +8.0%* (FTSE 100: +2.2%).
  • Q3 trades: 1 Sell (Tasty).
  • YTD return:  +9.4%* (FTSE 100: +5.5%).
  • YTD winners/losers: 5 winners vs 6 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

My year-to-date performance has improved as I slowly recover from last year’s 23% drubbing. This Q3 was in fact my portfolio’s strongest three months since June, July and August 2021 (+8.7%), and I now need ‘only’ a 19% advance to revisit my all-time high of December 2021. 

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Q2 2023: Are You A Good Investor?

11 July 2023
By Maynard Paton

Happy Tuesday! I trust your shares are faring well during this underwhelming time for the market. 

A summary of my portfolio’s progress:

  • Q2 return: -0.6%* (FTSE 100: -0.3%).
  • Q2 trades: None.
  • YTD return:  +1.3% (FTSE 100: +3.2%).
  • YTD winners/losers: 6 winners vs 5 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

My year-to-date performance has not been fantastic as I look to recover from last year’s 23% drubbing. My portfolio currently requires a 29% advance to revisit its all-time high of December 2021. 

Still, company RNSs from my portfolio were very acceptable during Q2. Dividends were held or raised and thankfully no surprise warnings emerged. As always, I am hopeful a mix of respectable competitive positions, capable managers and asset-rich balance sheets will steer my portfolio through whatever the economy has in store.

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Q1 2023: 10 Lessons From 3 Small-Cap AGMs

09 April 2023
By Maynard Paton

Happy Easter! I trust your shares have enjoyed a positive start to the year following the rough conditions of 2022. 

A summary of my portfolio’s first quarter:

  • Q1 return: +1.9% gain* (FTSE 100: +3.6% gain).
  • Q1 trades: None.
  • Q1 winners/losers: 6 winners vs 4 losers (1 unchanged).

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

I will gladly take a 1.9% gain for this Q1 after the 23% mauling I suffered last year. My portfolio now requires ‘only’ a further 28% advance to revisit its all-time high from December 2021. 

Company RNSs were generally very acceptable during the quarter. Dividends were held or raised and thankfully no profit warnings emerged. As always I am hopeful a mix of respectable competitive positions, capable managers and asset-rich balance sheets will steer my portfolio through whatever the markets may bring.

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Q4 2022: Down 23.3% For 2022

01 January 2023
By Maynard Paton

Happy 2023! I hope you survived last year’s tough market and continue to find my blog useful.

A summary of my portfolio’s 2022:

  • Total return of -23.3% (Q4: +0.2%)*;
  • 2 holdings recorded a gain while 9 holdings recorded a loss;
  • Returns ranged from up 23%, for Bioventix, to down 67%, for System1;
  • One share was topped-up: City of London Investment, and;
  • No new shares were purchased and no shares were sold.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

I publish a portfolio review after every quarter (Q1, Q2 and Q3), and this post recaps my October/November/December activity as well as my 2022 performance.

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My Portfolio: Year In Review 2022

01 January 2023
By Maynard Paton

Happy New Year!

I trust you enjoyed the festive break and are now ready to battle the market for another twelve months!

This 4,680-word post provides a ‘year in review’ of my current holdings. I recap how each business performed during 2022 as well as provide a few remarks about valuation. 

These reviews are very useful to write, not least because they help ensure I am still invested for the right reasons. Any upsets I will suffer during 2023 will most likely be caused by the shares I already own rather than any new shares I will buy.

I undertook the same annual review at the start of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

My portfolio lost 23.3% during 2022. This other post explains that performance in more detail and clarifies how my portfolio begins 2023.

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Q3 2022: Portfolio Winners As GBP Slides Towards USD Parity

02 October 2022
By Maynard Paton

Happy Sunday! I trust your shares continue to perform better than mine during 2022.

A summary of my portfolio’s progress:

  • Q3 return: -9.2%*.
  • Q3 trades: None.
  • YTD return: -23.4%* (FTSE 100: -3.9%).
  • YTD winners/losers: 2 winners vs 9 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, custody fees, paid dividends and cash interest)

I am heading for my worst annual performance for at least two decades after my portfolio fell 9.2% during Q3 to leave my shares down 23.4% for the year so far.

Yet despite another miserable quarter of negative returns, the Q3 newsflow did not seem particularly awful. 

Special dividends were in fact declared by Andrews Sykes and Tristel, which takes one-off payments for me this year to six and cements 2022 as my best-ever year for extra income. The quarter also witnessed higher payouts from M Winkworth and S & U.

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Q2 2022: 8 Years Of Special Dividends

30 June 2022
By Maynard Paton

Happy Thursday! I trust your shares continue to perform better than mine during 2022.

A summary of my portfolio’s progress:

  • Q2 return: -2.9%*.
  • Q2 trades: None.
  • YTD return: -15.7%* (FTSE 100: -1.0%)
  • YTD winners/losers: 2 winners vs 9 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees and paid dividends)

My portfolio’s 2.9% Q2 drop leaves my shares 15.7% lower this year and nursing their worst half-year decline since I commenced this blog at the start of 2015. I think I have to go right back to the second half of 2011 to find a similarly underwhelming six-month performance.

At least Q2 did not reveal any major RNS disappointments. Andrews Sykes, Mountview Estates and M Winkworth in fact lifted their ordinary dividends while S & U and Tasty disclosed promising progress despite the uncertain economy.

But the market’s disillusionment towards smaller companies is leaving many of my shares marooned at best.

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Q1 2022: Surging Energy Prices And The Companies Most Vulnerable

01 April 2022
By Maynard Paton

Happy Friday! I trust your shares have performed better than mine so far this year.

A summary of my portfolio’s first quarter:

  • Q1 return: -13.2% loss* (FTSE 100: +2.9% gain).
  • Q1 trades: None.
  • Q1 winners/losers: 0 winners vs 11 losers.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees and paid dividends)

My portfolio’s 13.2% Q1 drop is sadly my worst three-month performance since I commenced this blog at the start of 2015. My largest three-month declines prior to this year were 11% during August, September and October 2018 and 8% during January, February and March 2020.

The primary cause of my Q1 reversal was a profit warning from (by far) my largest holding, System1. Not helping matters were underwhelming results from (what was) my second-largest holding, Tristel.

The rest of my portfolio seems to have suffered from the market’s general unease towards smaller companies.

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Q4 2021: Up 24.5% For 2021

01 January 2022
By Maynard Paton

Happy 2022! I hope you profited from last year’s strong market and you continue to find my blog useful.

A summary of my portfolio’s 2021:

  • Total return of +24.5% (Q4: +4.6%)*;
  • 8 holdings recorded a gain while 3 holdings recorded a loss;
  • Returns ranged from up 104%, for System1, to down 20%, for Bioventix;
  • Two shares were topped-up: System1 and M Winkworth, and;
  • No new shares were purchased and no shares were sold.

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all dealing costs, withholding taxes, broker-account fees and paid dividends)

I publish a portfolio review after every quarter (Q1, Q2 and Q3), and this post recaps my October/November/December activity and my 2021 performance.

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My Portfolio: Year In Review 2021

01 January 2022
By Maynard Paton

Happy New Year!

I trust you enjoyed the festive break and are now ready to battle the market for another twelve months!

This 4,609-word post provides a ‘year in review’ of my current holdings. I recap how each business performed during 2021 as well as provide a few remarks about valuation. 

These reviews are very useful to write, not least because they help ensure I am still invested for the right reasons. Any upsets I will suffer during 2022 will most likely be caused by the shares I already own rather than any new shares I will buy.

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Q3 2021: Linking Revenue Per Employee To Investment Success

30 September 2021
By Maynard Paton

Happy Thursday! I trust your shares are flourishing and that you still find my blog useful.

A summary of my portfolio’s third quarter:

  • Q3 change: +5:1%*
  • Q3 trades: none
  • YTD change: 19.0%*
  • YTD winners/losers: 9 winners vs 2 losers

(*Performance calculated using quoted bid prices and includes all account fees, dealing costs, withholding taxes and paid dividends)

I am pleased the portfolio gains recorded during the first half of the year were extended during Q3.

Newsflow from my shares has been generally encouraging, and I hope boardrooms will remain optimistic as the pandemic subsides.

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