Castings: Revenue Up, Profit Up, Cash Up, Dividend Up

13 November 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Castings (CGS).

Event: Interim results published 13 November

Summary: Just what I like — a concise set of results that reports steady progress and robust financials. In fact, I could not find anything to complain about, with revenue up, profit up, cash up, the dividend up,  plus the prospect of further growth during the second half. What’s more, the share price does not look that expensive. I continue to hold.

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Mincon: Encouraging Q3 As Margins Hit 18%

10 November 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Mincon (MCON).

Event: Q3 trading update published 10 November

Summary: A very pleasant statement from this drill manufacturer, which confirmed earlier trading improvements had been sustained. Indeed, revenue, profit and — very importantly — cash flow, all advanced to seemingly defy the mining-sector downturn. I just wonder if the recent appointment of Joe Purcell, son of the group’s founder, as chief exec has had an immediate impact. Profit extrapolations are now showing an interesting valuation and I continue to hold.

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World Careers Network: Cash Now Represents Half The Market Cap

04 November 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on World Careers Network (WOR).

Event: Preliminary results published 03 November

Summary: Oh dear — my portfolio suffers yet another profit warning! WOR had already owned up to lower earnings this year, but now it has admitted to further cost increases for 2016. Nonetheless, these annual results revealed an improved second half while net cash currently equates to half of the present market cap. Bear in mind, too, that the last time this software developer invested at the expense of near-term earnings, profit eventually quadrupled. I continue to hold.

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Getech: I’m Not Tempted To Top Up Just Yet

03 November 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Getech (GTC).

Event: Final results published 03 November

Summary: Oh dear — a profit warning for 2016. So much for management’s optimism from just a few months ago!  The oil-sector downturn has also created extra guesswork with GTC’s valuation, while I remain concerned about the firm’s hefty development expenditure. Nevertheless, I believe GTC’s range of specialist data and services, alongside an asset-rich balance sheet, should see the firm through the difficulties. I continue to hold.

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Castings: I’ve Forged Ahead With This New Buy

23 October 2015
By Maynard Paton

Today I’m revealing my latest share investment.

The company in question is Castings (CGS), a long-established iron castings and machining group that’s based in the Midlands.

You may recall that, back in September, I added Castings to my watch list.

Well, after mulling over that write-up, I then bought in at an average price of 426p including all costs. The bid price is now 440p and the holding currently represents about 8% of my portfolio.

When I invested, I felt this £188m firm offered many traits of a respectable investment.

Important attractions for me included a durable dividend, an asset-flush balance sheet, improving productivity, good-value management and an upbeat immediate outlook. What’s more, a possible P/E of 11 suggested the shares were priced quite modestly.

However, I recognised CGS was by no means a one-way bet. Obvious risks include serving a small number of large customers and a recent profit history that has seen its ups and downs.

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Tristel: The Shares Have Rallied And I Am Holding On

13 October 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Tristel (TSTL).

Event: Final results and annual report published 12 October

Summary: It’s always nice to see your largest holding issue good figures and watch the share price rally strongly! These results met or exceeded my expectations, with bumper H2 margins, good all-round revenue growth and upbeat management commentary. The firm’s repeat-purchase and patent-protected products continue to promise further growth — notably in the United States — and the current valuation reflects such optimism. I continue to hold. 

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Q3 2015: 1 New Buy, 1 Top-Up And 3 Top-Slices

30 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Happy Wednesday! I trust you have not lost too much money in this choppy market and that you continue to find my Blog useful.

I’ve been in this full-time investment lark for nine months now — and I must admit the last few weeks have been somewhat testing.

Sure, I have invested through corrections and bear markets before — but such downturns are far easier to cope with when I could use my regular salary to average down!

Now without a salary, I’ve come to appreciate why so many private investors ‘panic sell’. They too are living off their portfolios and wish to preserve their capital… because they do not want to go back to work!

All that said, my portfolio of late has not been a total disaster and I think I am still up on the year so far. So finding paid employment is not on the cards just yet!

Recent market movements have meant that I have become a little more active with my portfolio. I have top-sliced a few positions in order to free up some cash for reinvestment, and bought a brand-new holding.

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Andrews Sykes: Interim Results Sustain 7.4% Yield

30 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Andrews Sykes (ASY).

Event: Interim results published 30 September.

Summary: Not a bad set of results, although the performance was flattered by the poor figures of 2014. The highlight was the positive outlook statement and the prospect of further second-half progress. While ASY may find long-term growth elusive, the accounts remain solid and the company continues to pay out all of its earnings as a dividend. I continue to hold.

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French Connection: Grim Figures Confirm Basket-Case Status

21 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on French Connection (FCCN).

Event: Interim results published 21 September

Summary: A grim set of figures that had been flagged by an earlier profit warning. News of further store closures and maintained gross margins were reassuring in the circumstances, but the real saving grace was the relatively positive outlook for the second half. There’s still a chance this share could one day prove to be a bargain, but for now its basket-case status remains intact. I continue to hold.

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FW Thorpe: More Dependable Results With A Super H2

17 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on FW Thorpe (TFW).

Event: Preliminary results published 17 September

Summary: Yet another dependable set of figures, with revenue, profit and the dividend reporting further advances — and all accompanied by the usual unpretentious management commentary. That said, it is TFW’s smaller divisions that are making the greatest strides at present — and it remains to be seen whether they can sustain such progress. Elsewhere, a recent acquisition is doing well and the balance sheet remains flush with cash. I continue to hold.

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City Of London Investment: Why I’ve Reduced My Holding

15 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on City of London Investment (CLIG).

Event: Final results and annual report published 14 September.

Summary: No surprises here, as everything important was revealed within July’s summary figures. However, CLIG did confirm its funds under management had dropped by 17% during the recent market downturn and my sums are now starting to ask questions about the 24p per share dividend. All told, I do not feel comfortable with the current valuation and have therefore decided to reduce my holding.

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M Winkworth: Rental Goal Looks Promising Amid Lacklustre Results

09 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on M Winkworth (WINK).

Event: Interim results published 8 September

Summary: A somewhat lacklustre set of results, blamed on a nervous pre-election housing market and extra costs associated with a corporate-relocation department. While the potential of additional lettings income looks promising, cash generation remains disappointing. I still like the simplicity of this franchising business, but must admit to having doubts about the size of its full potential. I continue to hold.

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Tasty: Accelerated Expansion Supports Multi-Bagger Hopes 

08 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Tasty (TAST).

Event: Interim results published 8 September

Summary: A very satisfactory set of results, with highlights including higher margins and a further acceleration of new restaurant openings. It certainly appears as if TAST will expand using debt rather than equity, though further borrowings will be needed for the business to become self-funding. I remain convinced the family management here can replicate its earlier success at Prezzo (PRZ) and can perhaps quadruple TAST’s market cap. I continue to hold.

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Castings: A Rare Combination In The Current Market

04 September 2015
By Maynard Paton

Today I’m continuing my hunt for Watch List shares with a look at Castings (CGS).

Here are the initial attractions that prompted this research:

Respectable financials: The accounts showcase a dependable dividend, net cash and property assets
Straightforward management: The executives do not collect grandiose wages nor own any options
Interesting valuation: The shares could offer a possible P/E of 11

As usual, I’m applying a question-and-answer template to help me pinpoint companies that match the criteria set out in How I Invest. I’m looking for as many Yes answers as possible.

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Record: I’ve Slashed My Earnings Guess By 27%

25 August 2015
By Maynard Paton

Quick update on Record (REC).

Event: Business update published 25 August

Summary: A very disappointing statement. A major client has withdrawn $2.8bn from REC’s administration and I’ve had to slash my earnings guess by 27%. The shares have dropped significantly, though at 29p they remain valued at 10x possible profits and yield 5.7%. The business remains high margin and cash rich, but sadly still dependent on a small number of customers. I continue to hold.

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