Last updated: 04 July 2023
By Maynard Paton

I co-hosted The Private Investor’s Podcast with fellow investor and good friend Roland Head. The podcasts each covered a particular company that interested either Roland or myself. I co-hosted older episodes of the podcast with Mark Atkinson.

The podcasts are listed at the bottom of this page, with the show notes below providing more details of each episode:

  • IntegraFin: recorded 26 June 2023 (show notes)
  • Bellway: recorded 24 May 2023 (show notes)
  • James Halstead: recorded 25 April 2023 (show notes)
  • ITV: recorded 29 March 2023 (show notes)
  • Telecom Plus: recorded 28 February 2023 (show notes)
  • Bioventix: recorded 26 January 2023 (show notes)
  • Fundsmith: recorded 16 December 2022 (show notes)
  • City of London Investment: recorded 21 November 2022 (show notes)
  • System1: recorded 21 October 2022 (show notes)
  • Greggs: recorded 26 September 2022 (show notes)
  • Somero Enterprises: recorded 25 August 2022 (show notes)
  • Tristel: recorded 25 July 2022 (show notes)
  • Photo-Me International: recorded 14 June 2022 (show notes)

Happy listening!

Maynard Paton