[SharePad] Small-Cap Spotlight Report: VICTORIA

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17 May 2024
By Maynard Paton

Oh dear. Today I am writing about Victoria, a £228 million carpet manufacturer that last year attracted attention following an adverse audit:

(Source: SharePad)

When I last looked at an adverse audit for SharePad, a commotion erupted that debated whether I was simply reporting “transcription errors” or spotlighting something more sinister.

So to be clear:

  • What follows is just my interpretation from reading Victoria’s 2023 annual report and other company statements;
  • I have not inspected every part of Victoria’s accounts nor considered every aspect of the wider investment case, and;
  • Please do your own research and form your own conclusion.

And with that, let’s take a closer look.

Read my full VICTORIA article for SharePad >>

Maynard Paton

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