SharePad Guide:
Example Financial Charts

Last updated: 30 August 2020
By Maynard Paton

Welcome to my UNOFFICIAL SharePad guide for new subscribers!

This page shows examples of the 12 financial charts I use most often within my SharePad articles.

You can install these charts into your SharePad set-up by following these instructions.

Official SharePad Tutorials: Fundamental Charts | Phil Oakley’s Financial Charts

Disclosure: This blog page contains SharePad affiliate links.

1) Cash, investments and debt

2) Dividend per share

3) Earnings, cash working capital change, capital expenditure less depreciation

4) Earnings, free cash flow, free cash flow conversion

5) Earnings, pension deficit


7) EBIT Margin

8) Employees, revenue, revenue per employee

9) Free cash flow, acquisitions, buybacks, dividends

10) Revenue

11) ROE (return on equity)

12) Stocks, Trade debtors, Trade creditors / Revenue

Further guide links:

Happy investing with SharePad!

Maynard Paton